
Lighting and Shadows


Lighting can change the mood of your scene. In addition to Skyboxes, lighting can come from the following sources:

Ambient LightIlluminates all objects in your scene
Hemisphere LightIlluminates your scene from directly overhead
Directional LightIlluminates the entire scene, but emits along a single direction
Spot LightEmits along a direction, illuminating objects within a cone
Point LightEmits in all directions from a single point

Shadow Settings

In the propertie panel for the various lights you will find shadow settings. The settings available vary depending on the type of light.

Cast shadowsToggle on/off whether your light will cast shadows. Note you can also set objects to receive shadows
Shadowmap resolutionResolution of the shadowmap, if you turn it down the resolution will be more blocky (or sometimes soft looking), if you turn it up it will increase the resolution but will make your scene more expensive to run
Shadow BiasA per pixel offset of your shadow, Use to fine tune the position of your shadow. This can be used to help reduce the appearance of shadow acne
Shadow RadiusSize of the shadow.

Lighting performance on mobile

You may notice that the lighting in your scene is different on desktop than on mobile devices. Some lighting features are disabled on mobile for performance reasons.